English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules In Hindi Pdf

CBSE Class 9 English Grammar – Active And Passive Voice

1. Voice:
Voice is that form of the transitive verb that shows whether the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action or has the action done to it. For example:
‘Mohan played football.’—This sentence is said to be in the active voice. Here, Mohan is the subject and he is the doer of the action, i.e. ‘played football’. The action of the subject is transferred to the object ‘football’, because Mohan has done something to the ‘football’. The passive voice of this sentence is:

  • Football was played by Mohan.

Here the subject is ‘football’ which was ‘object’ in the active sentence. So here something is done to the subject ‘football’, i.e. it suffers the action done by something or someone.

Voice change Rules PDF Download: passive voice pdf explanation active and passive voice rules chart active and passive voice pdf download active voice and passive voice exercises with answers pdf rules of active and passive voice with examples voice change rules active and passive voice worksheets pdf active and passive voice rules ppt. There two type of voice - Active and Passive. In Active Voice, the verb agrees the subject. It means the subject is active. In Passive Voice, the verb agrees the object. It means the subject is passive. Some Common Rules for Active and Passive Voice - Subject is changed in to Passive Voice and vice versa. Active Passive Voice Rules With Example. 1.Why are you making a noise in the class? (Active) Why is a noise being made in the class by you? (Passive) 2.When do you take your dinner in the night? (Active) Active And Passive Voice Rules With Examples In Hindi Pdf Free. Free restaurant pos system software download. When is your dinner taken in the night by you? (Passive) 3.Why have cut this.

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc.

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2. Rules for the Change of Voice:

  1. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the verb in the passive voice. The preposition ‘by’ is put
    before it.
  2. The main verb of the active sentence changes into the past participle.
  3. The form of the verb to be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) is placed before the main verb according to the tense.
    The auxiliary verb is changed according to the new subject in number and person.

3. Changes in Pronouns:
4. Change in tenses from Active voice to Passive voice:

5. Change of Voice in the Simple Present:

6. Past Simple Tense
7. Simple Future
8. Present Progressive
9. Past Progressive
10. Present Perfect Tense
11. Past Perfect Tense

12. Future Perfect Tense
13. Imperative Sentences
Imperative sentences express command/order, request, suggestion, etc. While changing imperative sentences into the passive voice, we use verbs like advise, request, order, etc.
14. Interrogative Sentence
15. Modal Auxiliarices
The form of the passive sentences will be: modal + be + past participle:
16. Prepositional Verbs
17. Quasi-Passive
18. Miscellaneous Examples

Exercise (Solved)

Change the following sentences into passive voice.
He has missed the train.
The train has been missed by him.

(ii) Do they speak French?
Is French spoken by them?

(iii) Was he reading a book?
Was a book being read by him?

(iv) Compose this letter.
Let this letter be composed.

(v) Where did you buy this pen from?
From where was this pen bought by you?

(vi) Who wrote this speech?
By whom was this speech written?

English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules In Hindi Pdf Download

(vii) One should respect one’s elders.
Elders should be respected.

(viii) I did not praise anybody.
Nobody was praised by me.

(ix) He hurt his leg in an accident.
His leg was hurt in an accident.

(x) Someone was knocking at the door.
The door was being knocked by someone.


People who can use passive voice appropriately are considered to have a good level of English. Go through the article to learn about the correct usage of passive voice.
Difference in Active and Passive voice



A sentence starts with a subject
Workers do the work.

Subject Object

A sentence starts with an object.
The work is done by workers.

English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules In Hindi Pdf Free

Rules for changing Active to Passive Voice

Subject is changed as per the following rule























General rule used to make passive voice

Object + To be + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject

‘To be’ varies according to the tense and rest of the rule remains the same.
Present Indefinite

The forms of ‘To be’ – is/am/are

English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules In Hindi Pdf Download

Object + is/am/are + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Active – He plays football.
Passive– Football is passed by him.
Active– I teach English.
Passive – English is taught by me.

Past Indefinite

The forms of ‘To be’ – was/ were
So rule would be modified as

Object + was/were + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject

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Active – Her Teacher punished her.
Passive– She was punished by her teacher.
Perfect Tenses (Present, Past & Future)

The form of ‘To be’ – been

Object + been + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Present Perfect:

Active – He has written a letter.
PASSIVE – A Letter has been written by him.
Past Perfect:

Active – They had already watched the movie.
Passive– The movie had already been watched by them.
Future Perfect:

Active – The children will have seen the show.
Passive– The show will have been seen by the children.

Continuous Tense

The form of ‘To be’ – being

Object + being + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject

Present Continuous:

Active – He is eating ice cream.
Passive– Ice cream is being eaten by him.

Past Continuous:

Active – They were watching the movie.
Passive– The movie was being watched by them.
NOTE: Passive voice of Future Continuous and Perfect Continuous Tenses is not possible.

MODALS (can, should etc.) and Future Indefinite

The form of ‘To be’ – be

Object + be + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Active – Government should ban smoking
Passive– Smoking should be banned by the government.
Active –I will finish the job tomorrow.
Passive– The job will be finished by me tomorrow.


So, changing Active Voice into Passive requires two steps:

English grammar active and passive voice rules in hindi pdf download

Identify type of tense used in Active Voice

Apply the corresponding rule.



Present Indefinite


Past Indefinite


Perfect (Present, Perfect, Future)


Continuous(Present, Past)


Modals and Future Indefinite


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Change the following sentences into the passive voice.

He likes coffee.

I received a parcel.

English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules In Hindi Pdf Converter

You will never forget this lesson.

They have brought a gift for you.

They had prepared the dinner before we arrived.

She will have taken the test.

She is doing the cooking.

They were giving a performance.

They should hire professionals.


Coffee is liked by him. (Present Indefinite)

English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Rules In Hindi Pdf Online

A parcel was received by me. (Past Indefinite)

This lesson will never be forgotten by you. (Future Indefinite)

A gift has been brought to you by them. (Present Perfect)

The dinner had been prepared before we arrived. (Past Perfect)

The test will have been taken by her. (Future Perfect)

The cooking is being done by her. (Present continuous)

A performance was being given by them. (Past Continuous)


Professionals should be hired by them. (Modals)