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Customer Testimonials

'I don't really expect the colour printed manual. I'm really appreciate it' - Syed Sulaiman (Malaysia)

'I strongly recommended DipTrace to all uni. students who are doing their electronic product development pcb as this easy to use and what more is the large component library which need not to hunt on the web...' - Thiru Kaliappoo (Malaysia)

DipTrace - Professional PCB-Design Tool

Are you looking for a professional and easy-to-use PCB Design software with powerful autorouter and reasonable price?

Try DipTrace and you will be surprised! DipTrace is a complete state-of-the-art PCB Design System. It includes:

  • PCB Layout - PCB design with an easy to use manual routing tools and autorouter.

  • Schematic - Schematic Capture and export to PCB.

  • Pattern Editor - allows you to create part footprints.

  • Component Editor - allows you to draw parts and make components.


Schematic CapturePCB Layout

If you are interested in DipTrace, feel free to contact us! Our sales personnel is more than ready to be at your assistance.

Watch DipTrace in action!

Who are our customers?

The majority of our customers are small and medium sized businesses who need powerful solution with professional features for their design purposes and at the same time don't want to spend tens of thousands of dollars for Schematic Capture and PCB Design package.

Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Dot Effect Technology. All Rights Reserved. DipTrace is Trademark and Product of Novarm Ltd.

For DipTrace users who want to mill their circuit board designs on the Bantam Tools Desktop PCB Milling Machine, here are instructions to generate Gerber files that can be imported the to Bantam Tools Desktop Milling Machine Software. What is DipTrace? DipTrace is a commercial program for designing circuit boards. It runs on Mac OS X, Windows. Ive been working with Diptrace for a couple of days now. Its for sure better than Eagle, atleast in my experience. Howrever, right now I am stuck with the idea of a ground plane. I followed a tutorial on line that used a battery connecter, a 7805 reg, couple of caps, a resistor and an. Have your PCB Design Loaded in DipTrace and go to File /Export / Gerber Select the Top Layer and click Export chose Yes to use the automatically apertures and save the File eg. “Top.gbr” Select Board Outline and click Export chose Yes to use the automatically apertures and save the File eg. “BoardOutline.gbr” Close the Export Gerber.

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Diptrace Serial

Download DipTrace Crack Free. DipTrace Crack Full Version is the best EDA/CAD design environment for creating PCBs and shapes. DipTrace Keygen is a powerful and easy-to-use solution for electronic engineers that helps create shapes and all types of PCBs. Diptrace has many versions they are available for free download. The latest version 3.1 is available for the download. Diptrace required win7/win8 (both 32 bit and 64 bit), Linux or with wine MacOS x leopard or newer or OS, Windows 2000/XP with 500Mb free space in hard drive, 256Mb RAM and 1024×768 monitor resolution with 8Mb video RAM.